Smooth yet complex, Mermaid Zest Gin is an aromatic infusion of summer citrus fruits and wild-foraged, coastal botanicals. Grapefruit and cascade hops are blended with island bergamot, lemon zest and rosemary, then distilled and infused with our signature gin. The result is a zesty, fresh spirit with a hint of sea air.
A citrusy and herbaceous gin, ideal with tonic or in a refreshing spritz. This limited edition is here for the summer, providing the Mermaid moment for sundowner serves
Smooth yet complex, Mermaid Zest Gin is an aromatic infusion of summer citrus fruits and wild-foraged, coastal botanicals. Grapefruit and cascade hops are blended with island bergamot, lemon zest and rosemary, then distilled and infused with our signature gin. The result is a zesty, fresh spirit with a hint of sea air.
A citrusy and herbaceous gin, ideal with tonic or in a refreshing spritz. This limited edition is here for the summer, providing the Mermaid moment for sundowner serves